Friday 28 November 2008

Rice ball bento

Remember I mentioned before that I'd made some onigiri and inarizushi? Here're the pictures. As you can see, the rice is glistening a tad too unnaturally. My bad. I overestimated the water level and the rice turned out too wet and squishy. I was kinda horrified & had actually thought of throwing the whole pot of rice away. Disappointment aside, I still managed to keep my sanity in check and decided better against committing the unforgiveable sin of wasting food. Pheww..
Twas also the first time I experimented or rather medddled with the furikake family! Hehe. I added the wakana and okaka furikake to different rice balls. They really upped the flavour of the rice balls. The wakana rice balls were nothing to shout about, compared to the okaka ones. I also dabbed sakura denbu to add some colours and features to the rice balls. Nice kah?

Top tier: Rice balls molded into various cutesy shapes: teddy, star & heart.

Bottom tier: Failed octopus sausage, inarizushi and a nori-covered onigiri.
By the way, surprise.. surprise... my fave of the day was actually the nori-covered rice ball with plain rice and plain inarizushi. The latter is not featured here. This is actually Buu's bento. I did not take pictures of mine coz they were eaten during the time my car broke down. The hot dog was a failure as a result of my inferior cutting skills. But that will not deter me from experimenting more in future. wahahaha.

Half-eaten teddy. Guess who bit him??
The driver la. Kejam sia. (=.=)''

Rice topped with: Okaka furikake (left), sakura denbu (mid) & wakana furikake (right)
My bento on I-forgot-which-day.

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