Ah... I managed to get this Wednesday off so I can go & collect my amended thesis. Well, I think me and Buu both deserve a restful day after working straight for 9 days! I think I need help too. Can anyone enlightened me where I can go to do my hard cover binding for thesis?
MSAI was enjoyable. We spent time there exchanging free gifts with other booths which must be kept a secret from boss... gah... he'll slaughter us if he knew the truth! Imagine, exorbitant probiotics in exchange for miserly but ever so useful pens and bags.. haha.
The exhibitors there were a jolly bunch though we were all shy on the first day. By the last day, we'd all turned into a bunch of loons crashing each other's booths when the crowd was thin and rubbing it in on the candidate who lost that Sg Siput seat. It was a great pleasure to mingle with these friendly people even though our age gaps were huge. They are open minded and unafraid to show that they are larger than life itself, seriously you'd think they're acting nuts for their age.
My colleagues of course did not forget to show me their fave eye-candy of all time, the acclaimed Dr. Ranbir who melted everyone's heart (but certainly not mine!) with his manly features and gentlemanly demeanour. I thought he was quite boring in his talk.
Hensem ke? Inilah Dr Ranbir...Quite contrarily, I enjoyed Madam Mary-Easaw's speech on child nutrition and food allergens. She's from IJN by the way, an interesting lady who quoted Charles Darwin:
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."Among the speakers, Dr Ruban was fluid... well, me thinks he oozes metrosexuality a lot even with the lack of those keratin locks. Haha. He's so Brit that you might even mistake him for one had you kept your eyes closed, especially when he fielded question after question at the speakers. But it was a bit disappointing when he finally took to the platform as I'd expected more. Nevertheless, he did fare slightly better than most of his peers.
I got to see live dust mites under the microscope too. Awfully swell creatures!! They're like crawling amidst us everyday by billions man... I thought the dead dust mite mounted on the scope was fantastic too. It looked like it was crystallized in amber though i jolly well know it's just transparent and the amber-ish look is caused by the light projected. It had a massive egg embedded in its body which takes up like around one third of its body. Amazing huh?
Anyways, I had my first product training today and will be introduced to more tomorrow. haha. till next time, folks. jaa~