Saturday 3 November 2007

Capricious weather

Cinderella-for-a-day's penned thoughts

It started innocently enough...

While cruising along Gurney Road, I let my mind and windows to the soul meander all round, taking in the sights and scents as usual. All of a sudden, I caught sight of a fleet of rain clouds hanging precariously above us. At the same time, the sun was also beating down hotly on our backs. Thus, all rainy thoughts were brushed aside.

The time on the road can be either boring or interesting, depending. Somewhere along the highway, a scattered array of leaves resting peacefully on the tarred road were suddenly swept to life by the prancing wind. Being the tease it is, the gentle breeze blew the leaves up in the air, creating a beautiful sight of leaves raining slowly onto the road. The leaves, awoken from their tired slumber, danced to the rhythm & melody of the teasing wind... treading on each note with acute precision & swaying ever so gracefully... before settling down again... peacefully.

Just when we passed by Menara TM, the deceptive weather took a turn and torrential rain swooped down on us. Caugh unawares, we were held hostage below one of the many highway flyovers. As we set off once the drizzle slowed down, the capricious weather man decided to play a trick on us again. Cold rain was pelted on us not long after we got back to the tracks again. Braving the sharp drops that blurred the vision, the courageous biker boy rode with gusto past a huge pile of puddle... The strong force of the puddle water swept the damsel's sandal away, submerging and drowning the poor kutsu which flailed helplessly.

The sandal?

Well, the owner got it back. Thanks to the brave biker boy who hopped off his bike and ran helter skelter to retrieve it & slip the sandal back on Cinderella's rightful foot.

Tender Notes

Here's the cupcake I got for Buu~

It's from Pretty Frosting.

I'm smitten by their name card.
So pretty!

They only had this Carrot Walnut Cupcake With Cheese left when I got to their stall at Amcorp's flea market. I was hoping to get the chocolate ganache ones. Better luck next time!

Bisou's cupcakes from Cass's blog looked positively mouth-watering too!

Forgive us for the cupcake ga-ga fever...

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