Tuesday 2 October 2007


It's been some time since I last blogged. Assignments, labs and midterm hogging the time (and yes, my boo too. love my boy too much). Talking about midterm, today's paper was a harrowing experience. I would love to tear my hair out for the bloopers I did. Oh well. It was already a miracle that I managed to go through ALL the notes ever so calmly yesterday + the wee hours in the morning today. I am actually amazed at my ability to have done so, looking back at my unflattering past as a nervous wreck. The procrastination has got to go, seriously...

Surprise visit from an honoured guest today! Went back to uni with ma guest to taste the Sloppy Joes from that CCF stall. My dear guest downed 2 of those plus a hotdog special, terrer sial.. whilst I looked from the side in awe. Irritating dry cough seized my throat hostage for the entire day, and it's still demanding ransom. [mlm + cursing]

Whipped up a fishy dinner tonight as I had the guest over. Am pleased to find out that my marinade worked. Whee~ It's gonna be a keeper for sure though I forgot about the orange juice. And I've made up my mind, chicken bologna ain't even quarter as nice as mr porky! Damn.. I miss babui.

By the way, I just found out that dashing house mate of mine is a Muslim! So, no porky porky business at home because we gotta respect people's religion. Stumbled upon the naked truth when I caught a whiff of his sohor meal this morning. Was still mugging and he had to tempt (though not intentionally) the miserable food-deprived me. Shucks.

*looks at time* I got carried away with blogging, yet again. It's addictive! More than Facebook, if I may compare to my own benchmark. Nyways, time to retire to bed! Oyasumi~

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