Wednesday 18 June 2008

Workless days beckons... not!

Have I left an indelible print in you?
I promised myself that I'll make sure nobody fills my shoes...
Have I done it..?

Wow.. it's been a long while since I really blog. So far, nothing's new. Perhaps I'll be facing some imminent jobless days after the end of this month though. lolx. Sure hope I'll get hooked on a job soon.

Anyhow, I'm glad my industrial training days are coming to an end though. I'll miss some of the nice people there. There're only a handful, haha... which is pretty sad. Most of those who actually took the effort to remember my name and not go "eh.... trainee!" have been asking when's my last day.

Ya... I actually go a bit fuzzy when they do that. Because I'm touched that they cared. At least I can assure myself that I ain't no identitiless stranger to people I once worked with, and somewhere somehow I might have touched a chord in them too....

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