Thursday 16 April 2009

tunacado vs tuvocado

I'm feeling uncannily healthy today. Brekkie is tuna+avocado mash sandwiched in whole grain bun.

I've waited rather impatiently for the avocado to ripen and decided to push it into the operating theatre today. Le avocado went under the scalpel this morning at 6.30 am. After some mishmashing and seasoning with lemon juice, salt and pepper, Mr tu-tu-tu-tu-tuNa (sung to the chip 'n dale rescue rangers chorus) joined in the fray. Popped the buns into the toaster oven after slathering them in olive oil. Once done, slap the tunacado or tuvocado mash on. Slap-dash-bang. Me likes. A fast brekkie bento.

Dear Slap-dash-bang,

I shall now knight thee as one of my royal knights in tag label land. Thou may rise now.

Comment: Avocado is tasteless basically, so unleash ur creativity in the mash. Add some chopped onions or tomatoes.

Caution: Pls wait till Miss Avo is really really really ripe for uhuk! unless you're masochistic enough to lace bitter goo on your tongue.

Collapsible lunch box which I got in Ipoh's 100 yen store
Great for sandwiches

Gotta get back to the daily grind for the time being. laters!

love, spunkz


mil0chel said...

i've always wanted to experimented with avocado but no guts to do so.. might try some soon :)

spunkz said...

reminds me of my first attempt with em few years back. wanted to add them into sushi. but i didn't know i'll have to wait for it to go mushy before eating. threw the whole fruit away coz it was hard as rock. lolx.