JO & TC turned to look at me once I put down the phone.
"Ooo. You getting 'mang zang' edi hor." (mang zang = Cantonese for irritated)
And I thought I had been courteous and tweet enuff. haiyo.
Wokay, I do admit that I'm not cut out for this job so well. Customer service was never my forte ( will not elude me forever....*drama queen*- copies Yoshino Yusuke from Clannad The After Story).
But I'm doing my best to fit in. I badly need to lay my hands on a book which specifically directs me how to communicate with customers (read: nicely).
Huhuhu. I get irritated all too easily, Buu can attest to that.. being on the receiving end for as long as we're together. woops. Sorry hunny. *sheepish*
To be fair, it doesn't help when the distressed lady on the other line refuses to accept any suggestions from me. And she keeps repeating.. and repeating...aaaannnd repeating the same old lines. *drifts off into imaginary world*
"Lady, get a hold of yeself & LISTEN!"
*smacks lady's head*
Lady looks up adoringly.
"Yes, master! I shall stop being ridiculous!"
"I'm so sorry, master!!!" Lady sobs inconsolably, filled with remorse.
*smacks lady again*
Cough cough splutter splutter. Back to reality.
Ok..nuff with the runaway thoughts. Pardon my imagination. It's hard to tame that side of me, ye know. *winks*
Grr. Just stop the supps for a week & take it again la to see if it's the culprit anot. 'Une' by 'une' tis time, just to see which one you're not ngam with dey. And nooo... the company's not gonna run away. And stop telling me it couldn't be other stuff that's making you woozy... [deleted][deleted][deleted] *fragments of imagination again*
I wish I could be nasty in real life... but lice bowl is lice bowl la (pun intended). Cannot play play.
I am guilty. Guilty on the charge of not being a good customer service person. huhu.
baby looks all too cute :)
mighty cute, i'd say! that's my nephew~
babies, love them before they grow out of the cute factor. hehehe. but think i'll still love this lil one when he grows too. :)
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