Sunday 14 September 2008

random rant

The one who made derogatory remarks isn't detained under ISA. He got away with a light slap and will bound back with his waggly tail lapping his master's hand in 3 years time. And I thought what he said was seditious. (Thanks to the guv, I made myself go to find out the definition of 'sedition')

*runs away, crouch in corner, points finger at Emu, and screams "double standard!!"*

I don't like DSAI, he gives me the creeps. But I dislike the Emu even more. I get so much bottled-up angst inside, as I follow the daily political dish-outs. Blast the crooks. I'll sooner or later die of angina seeing the cipets doing all those ridiculous stuff! The twits don't know how stupid they look with those half-hearted reasons they detained the victims with. a*ses. I doubt they'll come to their senses even if we bludgeon them with a club.

Heart goes out to the ones detained under ISA. One's free. Jolly news.

Things the guv should know?

That we people aren't stupid enough to get brainwashed or instigated by a mere news blog (Read the banned new site, the son of Malaysia Today - MT Harapan Malaysia), an MP who really works (Click to read why the MP got detained), and a journalist who actually cleansed her ears prior to the press conference and put the facts into ink. No, wild fire can't blind us like how you actually hypnotize yourselves into believing your own fabrications.

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