Wednesday 1 August 2007

library makes me wanna...

poo poo

spunkz went to the Sultan Abdul Samad library in UPM in dire, dispirited mood. The journey took forever.. at least, i thought so. We waited for that only bus (416) to reach UPM under the sweltering sun in utmost long-ness. Later on, it took its own sweet time trundling along the frigging winding roads to the campus. I was so lethargic by the time we finally reached that god-forsaken place.

Unfortunately for us, the trip yielded nuts. Me and poor tired Kae Shin came back empty-handed. *pouts* But luckily for Chin Yin, she managed to dug out some info. Good for the lassie.

During the trip, I suddenly had a burning urge to poo poo once we started sourcing for the materials. But I tahan and kepit, vehemently telling myself.

"must find book... must find book...poo poo can wait after finding book.."

Celaka sial. Tahan until so kang kor also find nothing that could be of use to us. *shakes fist*

As a matter of fact, we could only go to the general research area and nowhere else. Our attempt to snuck into the special collection room was thwarted by that beady-eyed admin guy at the counter who told us we needed a special pass. Later on, Kae Shin's attempt to slip into the journal room also went down the drain when the guard asked for her student pass. Suey sial...

one word to describe this trip.


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